Artistic Bronze Sculptures Handmade Entirely In Italy
Artistic Bronze Sculptures Handmade Entirely In Italy
Artistic Bronze Sculptures Handmade Entirely In Italy
Love and art do not embrace what is beautiful, but what is made beautiful by their embrace.
Karl Kraus
Art in bronze takes shape in the exclusive bronze sculptures of maestro Vittorio Tessaro.
Different as the cultural baggage and aesthetic sense of each of us may be, man has always regarded art as the ideal access key to satisfy an innate sense of beauty and exclusivity which represents him and distinguishes him from his fellow men.
Bronze has for centuries been the ideal medium in which art can express itself, through the hands, head and above all the heart of the sculptural artist, who must be able to deploy the right mix of talent, passion, humility and sensitivity both towards art itself when he is moved by pure inspiration, and towards the specific requests of the person commissioning the work when the artist is asked to create customized sculptures.
<< “He who works with his hands is a laborer. He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. >>. He who works with his hands, his head and his heart is an artist.”
(San Francesco d’Assisi) (St Francis of Assisi)
Vittorio Tessaro‘s bronze statues bring to life exclusive figures of artistic nudes of woman in her various expressions such as “motherhood” and the “ballerina“, statues of warriors, horses, bulls and other animals.
His representations of bronze statue lady are particularly admired, capturing femininity in its maximum state of purity, femininity which Vittorio cleverly manages to set in the various moments of daily life.
This is also one of the aspects that characterize each bronze statue by the sculptural artist Vittorio Tessaro: unlike the work of other artists, his art does not try to be “ethereal” or “unreachable” but a heartfelt tribute to the beauty of nature and of life in its various facets, in which we can all be reflected and find ourselves: mother and child, pair of lovers, bronze warriors in combat, the strength and elegance of animals, the female body from which life itself originates…
If Vittorio‘s modern bronze sculptures have touched your heart, too, and you desire to relive these emotions every day in your house, in your garden or in your office, sharing them with your loved ones and your guests, Vittorio and his staff are at your disposal for the sale of bronze statue and sculptures created directly by the master sculptor.
Our bronze statues are on display and for sale in various galleries of modern and classical sculpture and artistic statues in Italy and the world.
Each bronze statue by Vittorio is a unique piece, unique as the energy, emotion and vibration which his sculptures can arouse in those who by purchasing them become witnesses and custodians of a unique work of art whose value is destined to increase over time.
Feel free to contact us for prices and terms of sale,
including for a customized statue.
Vittorio Tessaro‘s bronze statues are an investment which fortunately satisfies heart and head.
You can also contact us on WhatsApp; click the WhatsApp icon and send us your photos and requests directly with your computer or smartphone:
Art Studio – Studio d’Arte Tessaro
Caldogno (Vicenza – Italy)
Galleria M.F.F.
St. Paule de Vence (F)
Galleria M.F.F. Paris
Ile St. Louis (F)
Vittorio Tessaro STUDIO D’ARTE
Via Montello 4, 36030 Caldogno (Vicenza – Italy) – P.I. 00632750246 – REA: VI – 142522
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Do you own one or more works in BRONZE by Vittorio Tessaro and want to verify their originality? Go to the section CONTACTS and send us a photo the sculpture and you will receive a FREE CONSULTATION on your work.